« Oy!

Hump Day Blather

I did indeed finish my edits of Stripped on schedule, thank goodness. So it’s off to my agent and the other two authors in the anthology and that’s one less thing on my to do list. Thank goodness my goof up wasn’t that big of a deal. Oy, I honestly can’t believe I do stuff like that. It’s sort of like walking through a restaurant with your dress tucked into your pantyhose. Leave it to me, sheesh! Oh or once I had this pretty skirt and blouse and I went to school wearing the blouse inside out. Here I am, destroying your illusions about me one by one. Snort.

Got my edits for Sword and Crown back so that’s on my plate for this upcoming weekend but I’m going to work on Wolf Unbound for the rest of the week.

I’ll be at Ecataromance on Friday from 10 – 11 am pacific with some other very fine Ellora’s Cave authors. Come on by and spend part of your day!

I’m nearly done with Lori Foster’s Jude’s Law which I am enjoying immensely. I love her books and I love the heroine in this one. I also have the new Dodd, Adair and half of Linda Howard’s Cover of Night to finish too. Because I have sooo much free time. Snort.

One comment to “Hump Day Blather”

  1. Kathy Wheatley
    September 15th, 2006 at 7:18 am · Link

    Sounds like the writing is going real well, I admire you for the schedule stick too, even with the little ones around!

    I loved Jude’s Law also, I just picked up Murphey’s Law, yesterday and plan to read it this weekend…I will have my granddaughter,the Princess of Drama, Paige, with me today. She is 3 3/4 years old going on 17. She needed a day with Nanny K! Fun-day for us! But, there won’t be time to read my books…though I am sure we will be reading Curious George, and Dora the Explorer!

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