
This time a Five Star, O Rating from JERR – Thank you, Ann!

Cascadia Wolves: Enforcer pits against each other two of the most stubborn, headstrong and sexiest characters that I have read in a long time. Nina Reyes has been hiding behind a façade for years. She is not a delicate flower by any means. Any woman who can take down a werewolf and have the confidence to call the Alpha names doesn’t need anyone to protect her. However, she needs Lex emotionally. He is her rock but he doesn’t cosset her. His steadfast loyalty allows her to lean on him and feel protected. Lex is an Enforcer, protecting the pack is his job. However, he has difficulty adjusting to the fact that she wasn’t raised as a wolf. He keeps neglecting to tell her things about his culture that jeopardize her trust in him. Yet, under all the strength and intelligence hides a gentle and caring man who says the most amazing and heartfelt things. The sex is amazingly hot and sexy especially with the anchor. The secondary characters are rich in detail and I will definitely look for their stories in the future. Enforcer is a great story where the heroine could literally rip your throat out while the hero steals your heart!

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