Saturday Morning Stuff and Junk

I had such a great time last night at the Romance Diva chat. It was my first chat with them and I’ll definitely be back.

Thing is, I love to talk to readers cause I’m one too. And erotic romance readers are so fun to talk with. It was an added bonus that NJ Walters and Sylvia Day were the other two authors who were in the chat with me. Both of these women are amazing writers and truly nice people who deserve the success they’ve gotten.

After chat and getting the kids down, I wrote for several hours until Battlestar Galactica. Wow. Last night’s episode was really intense and had a clever twist on the Six/Gaius relationship. I’m so glad that the turn for the worst that the show experienced for several weeks near the beginning of the season seems to have passed. Loads of meta issues going on. I loved it!

More utterly fluffy news, I bought a new handbag yesterday, gorgeous. And new jeans from the misses department. My husband said, “wow, you look like you’re in high school” but in a complimentary way. He’s the best, LOL. I haven’t worn this size since before college. Now I have cute jeans to wear with my fabulous boots in Vegas! Yeah.

I’m reading Caitlin Kiernan’s Murder of Angels. This book is so beautiful and haunting and scary and uncomfortable that it makes me want to weep. If you haven’t read it, even if you don’t like horror, go and get it. Honestly, it’s amazing writing.

3 comments to “Saturday Morning Stuff and Junk”

  1. Jen
    February 25th, 2006 at 11:36 am · Link

    I just wanted to thank you for being at the Divas chat last night. I got a lot out of the things you said.
    Congrats on the handbag. That’s not fluff, dahling. Handbags are as essential as breathing…..aren’t they? LOL.
    Thanks again.

  2. Lauren Dane
    February 25th, 2006 at 3:26 pm · Link

    Thank you, Jen. I had a blast and yes, handbags and shoes the cure for whatever ails you.

  3. Melany
    February 26th, 2006 at 6:36 am · Link

    Sounds like a wonderful night. congrats on the jeans!
