In Which Lauren Says She's Not Going To Comment And Does Anyway

I could talk about reviews. AngieW has an interesting post up at RTB about reviews with many interesting comments. This has spilled out, as such things are wont to do, to Smart Bitches and KarenS as well. All interesting perspectives. You should go and read them.

I started to respond at RTB, but decided against it. Enough has been said already there. But as I start to write this I realize I will talk about it because I’m mouthy that way.

I used to review books at a review site and I’ve seen things from both sides. I never fluffed anyone, that’s not in my nature, LOL. I have given less than glowing reviews, but you probably won’t find them and that’s an issue. I love it when I get a glowing review, it certainly makes me happy. But I expect to get less than glowing reviews too and I have. Certainly I respect the ones that gave concrete reasons for not liking the book, for instance at Sequential Tart, a magazine I respect immensely, the reviewer didn’t feel that I gave enough attention to the mystery element (although she did complain about my formatting, which is not in my control).

Another complained that the Charvez family wasn’t dysfunctional enough and well, okay, if dysfunctional families are your thing, you probably won’t like the Charvezes because they’re not. They’re also not race car drivers or spaceship captains, just in case you’re looking for that. I’ve been fairly fortunate although I’m sure as time goes by, I’ll get blindsided by something clearly personal and mean. That goes hand in hand with putting your work out there to see.

I don’t personally believe that one needs special credentials to write reviews but I do prefer to see reviews that get my name right and don’t give spoilers for my book. As a reader, I do look at the reviews at amazon but I disregard ones that are overly gushy and those which are mean or just inappropriate (as in a review for a book clearly marked erotic romance but complains of too much sex, yawn).

Oops, a lot of “not going to say anything” there. I wish I had the same kind of self control that other authors do who never say anything controversial, but I just don’t have that gene.

Let’s see, what else? Oh, the loop party yesterday was quite enjoyable and once again, I realize what great readers I have and count my blessings.

I’m going to be announcing two new contests at my website later today so keep an eye out.

The new issue of my newsletter comes out on the 17th. I’m doing an extra contest for that one, all new subscribers will be entered. Here’s the link to subscribe.

That’s it for now. My kids are driving me nuts and I should go and oh, I don’t know play with them or something, LOL. Have a lovely Friday, all.

4 comments to “In Which Lauren Says She's Not Going To Comment And Does Anyway”

  1. Cathryn Fox
    January 13th, 2006 at 3:47 pm · Link

    Lauren, I once had a reviewer tell me that my characters indulged too much in my erotica Unleashed. I’m thinkiong HELLO…erotica…LOL

  2. Lauren Dane
    January 13th, 2006 at 4:11 pm · Link

    Well and that’s inappropriate, IMO. I mean, I’m not saying that should be censored, but I am saying that it’s like reading sci fi and complaining there are spaceships in it. Or the reviews which state up front that they didn’t get past page 20 but review the entire book. Huh?

    As an author, I know it’s good to have a thick skin and most of the time I just eat some chocolate and blow it off.

  3. Charlene Teglia
    January 14th, 2006 at 8:30 am · Link

    I blogged about it, too. It’s a really big topic.

    I don’t know about thick skin, but I do know you have to decide who you’re going to listen to. Not every opinion should carry equal weight. Although chocolate is always appropriate. : D

  4. Lauren Dane
    January 14th, 2006 at 10:47 am · Link

    Charli, true, very true. Reviews which are inaccurate and contain a lot of errors don’t rate very highly in my book and I don’t take them seriously. Doesn’t mean it doesn’t suck to have someone hate your book, or the book they didn’t read but think is yours.

    And yep, chocolate is one of life’s greatest salves.