Something Other Than Review Talk

I’m nearly done with Cascadia Wolves. I have two big scenes to write, some edits and then it’s off to my editor and I can get back to Witches Knot and then back to Dark Justice. I’m hoping to be done with the latter two projects by mid December but we’ll see how things go.

I always get antsy at the end of a book, I don’t know why. CW started as another book but I put it down for several months when I was editing and then Dark Justice bit and when I picked it up again, Nina was a different woman – funny how that works. Anyway, I like the book’s direction now. It’s basically the same as I’d envisioned it before (in January for an anthology as a novella) but more full and rounded and with more humor. I’m pleased at that.

Hopefully that magic will stay with me when I pick up Witches Knot again to expand it and get it ready to send out. I have to think up a new title (I hate that part) because EC has the title as a series title. Perhaps a good replacement title will come to me when I’m working on it.

After Dark Justice and WK, I think I’m going to either write Jayce’s story (and start a Fae series) or Minx’s story (and start a vampire series – both offshoots of the Charvez universe). Of course, we’ll see, I might end up writing Cade’s story if I need a werewolf break in the midst of all those vampires and witches.

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